Who we are and what we do
We're non-profit company known by the name One kind act a month.
We are 501(c)(3) Tax exempt so any donations you make will be tax deductable.
Our start date is 1-26-15. We are in business to help homeless people by providing food, clothes, jobs and housing.
Mission statement
One kind act a month will raise awareness of homelessness and inspire people to be helpful in their communities. We'll be examples of how to make positive change in the community by offering food , clothes, jobs, and housing to the needy.
“If we all did one kind act a month for someone else the world would be a better place.” -Tim Turner
We invite you to check back often to see the kinds of things were doing in the community.
One Kind Act a Month Housing project
We purchased a 4-unit apartment building in Millville NJ on May 2021.

This property will be rented to low income people in the Millville area and 100% of the rental profit will be used to help homeless people in the areas we service. This project took us 4 years to complete and we're still working diligently to have a stronger impact in the homeless community. We are looking forward to helping more people and expanding our service area, so that we can make a difference in the lives of the homeless and less fortunate.
Random acts of kindness! We now have a homeless tenant in our rental. This is his story
CBS 3 news coverage of our coat / blanket and food drive 2019
CBS 3 coverage of the Dec 2019 backpack event
What the house was like before we remodeled it for the homeless family.
This is the story of a homeless family of 6 we provided with housing